My camera is broke down again. I do not know if it lens, battery or sensor. Now, I try to shoot with Sony’s original lens 18-55. It is time for a new camera? We’ll see if it will be the Sony A-6000 or the Nikon 7200. Would choose A-6000 because it is less but with Zeiss lenses 16-70  it`s still expensive for a pensions. We for see.







Here and there


I heard about an old mine. I thought that I informed that it is about 10km from Karlstad (completely forgot that I have GPRS Mobile). We drove and drove and I saw nowhere sign with information. After about 50 km. I looked Google maps and took it lies about 60 km. from Karlstad 🙂  We were happy that we found the little village but there was nowhere sign about mine. After several requests we were there. There are very deep hole, but I did not find the one I saw on the photos. I was told today that we should swing just a few meters from the place where we have found ourselves 😦  So, we drove 120 km without that I photographed this that I wanted to photograph, but we enjoyed the landscape.
And, my camera behave strangely and my photo is not as usual. Have tried to photograph automatically and manually, but the results are the same.



In the Värmland roads
